School is over, that means no more bedtimes, lunch boxes, studying or homework. Undoubtedly every kid looks forward to the much awaited summer break, but how do we, as parents slip in a little productivity along with their playtime? Read on to find out.
How about some family game nights?
Picking games that require kids to use strategy and think ahead, guarantees a learning experience along with the fun. Scrabble Jr., Lakeshore Learning’s Read Around the House, Treasure Hunt Games or Monopoly Jr. are great games to begin with.
Who wants to play farmer?
Learning can begin in your very own backyard. Planting and harvesting a garden of vegetables has been proven to boost science and math skills. From drawing the blueprint to getting seeds to plant, this fun-filled activity is bound to bring in the learning.
Encourage Creative Construction
For this one, all you need are building materials such as Legos, Zoobs or Magnatile. Challenge your child to make a vehicle, building or any contraption they can come up with. Who knows, you might just be inspiring future (real life) Bob the Builder's!
Imbibe learning while traveling.
Children have a natural flair for newer languages, so picking one up along the way might just be a souvenir worth holding on to. Another great way to imbibe a little knowledge is by showing them how to use maps. Looking up encyclopedias or the Web is also a great way to pique their interests on the places they're about to visit.
Summer doesn't always have to be all fun and games, don't you think?