
Day Care Centers: A Preferred Option for Working Moms

Nov 06, 2014

Child day care

Day Care Centers: A Preferred Option for Working Moms Day Care Centers: A Preferred Option for Working Moms

Many modern families have two parents with full-time jobs, which leaves them with some tough decisions to make concerning child care. While some families are fortunate to have nearby family to watch the kids, many people have to choose between day care centers, in-home providers and nannies. If you're in the midst of making this decision, consider the following advantages of daycare services.

More affordable and reliable Typically it is less expensive to sign up for daycare services than to hire a nanny or pay for in-home childcare. While some people feel that the home environment is worth the extra money, you can't ignore the cost factor. Many working parents appreciate that daycare centers offer more reliable hours. You never have to worry about the daycare center closing because a particular teacher is sick or having a family emergency.

Adhere to state regulations In-home childcare centers must follow the same state guidelines as public and private daycare centers, while nannies do not. Working with a childcare provider that must follow state regulations gives many parents a peace of mind. In addition to licensing, centers are subject to health and fire inspections. Some centers even take the extra step to become quality approved, ensuring that their children receive kindergarten preparation skills. It is easier for parents to evaluate varying options for childcare when there are clear standards.

Clear cut expectations With a daycare center, there are clear rules for parents, such as when you can drop off and pick up children and what sort of snacks they will and won't eat during the day. If you've had trouble hiring a nanny or babysitter who can't accommodate your work schedule or who doesn't follow your established home guidelines, a daycare may be the answer.