Effective Tips to Protect Your Child from Eye Injuries

Take the following child care tips to minimize the risk of eye injuries for your children. Childhood and injuries go hand-in-hand. While most of the mishaps may result in minor injuries to the child from which they recover fast, in some instances, the injuries can be serious, especially eye injuries. You must ensure that your child is well-protected against potential risks that could lead to an unfortunate eye injury.

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Useful Tips for Inculcating Trust and Honesty in Preschoolers

When a child is telling the truth, it takes a lot of courage. So when your preschooler tells you the truth even after doing something wrong, praise them rather than scolding them. Reacting this way will make them feel better about their honesty, especially in a situation where they know lying would have been way easier. This will only reinforce their habit of being honest and build their self-confidence.


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